Audio-visual information apparatus providing with digital interface

Application Number: 00126183
Application Date: 2000.08.31
Publication Number: 1286564
Publication Date: 2001.03.07
Priority Information: 1999/8/31 JP 244730/1999
International: H04L29/02;H04N5/44;H04N5/765
Applicant(s) Name: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Inventor(s) Name: Ishikawa Mariko
Patent Agency Code: 11038
Patent Agent: wu lili
Abstract The present invention relates to an audio video information apparatus equipped with digital interface. The apparatus comprises an input signal reception controller and a digital interface compliant with digital interface standards including IEEE1394. It further comprises a memory for storing information related to digital-interface supporting apparatuses allowing signals therefrom to be received by the audio video information apparatus. By virtue of the described arrangement, in the apparatuses equipped with digital interface connected to the bus, the names of the receivable apparatuses are displayed and thereby the receivable apparatus can be selected.