Base material containing high absorption polymer flocked fiber

Application Number: 00121710
Application Date: 2000.07.19
Publication Number: 1281066
Publication Date: 2001.01.24
Priority Information: 1999/7/19 US 09/356,948
International: A61F13/15;B05D1/02;D04H11/00
Applicant(s) Name: Mc Neil-PPC Inc.
Inventor(s) Name: V. P. Lask
Patent Agency Code: 31100
Patent Agent: bai yihua
Abstract A substrate having flocked fibers of superabsorbent polymer thereon is provided. The said substrate may be one of a variety of materials, such as nonwoven materials, polymer films, apertured films, absorbent layers, netting, woven fabrics, foams, reticulated films and the like.