Catalytic synthesis process of producing gypsum by using calcium sulfite and calcium bisulfite

Application Number: 00122342
Application Date: 2000.08.25
Publication Number: 1339403
Publication Date: 2002.03.13
Priority Information:
International: C01F11/46
Applicant(s) Name: Yindian Group Co., Ltd., Gongcheng, Guangxi
Inventor(s) Name: Li Jinhong
Patent Agency Code: 45107
Patent Agent: feng gang
Abstract Waste slag of calcium sulfite and calcium bisulfite is first mixed with water to produce slurry; and then added with catalyst V2O5 and air for oxidation at normal temperature and normal pressure; the product is finally dewatered to produce gypsum. The process needs no complicated production equipment and is simple, low in production cost and high in production efficiency.