Conversion of domestic refuse into high-effect biological organic fertilizer by using biological engineering technology

Application Number: 00119262
Application Date: 2000.07.03
Publication Number: 1275549
Publication Date: 2000.12.06
Priority Information:
International: B09B3/00;C05F9/00;C05F9/02;C05F9/04;C05F11/08;C12M1/08
Applicant(s) Name: Jilin Univ.
Inventor(s) Name: Zhang Lanying;Zhao Changfu;An Shengji
Patent Agency Code: 22201
Patent Agent: zhang jinglin
Abstract The present invention relates to a method for converting house refuse into high-effective organic fertilizer by using bio-engineering technology, and its fermentation underground tank and high-effective biological fermentation agent. Its fermentation agent is formed from (bacterial number percentage) 10-40% of viridin, 10-40% of actinomycetes, 10-40% of yeast cell and 10-40% of lichen basillus. The refuse is fermented in the fermentation underground tank formed from vent pipe, tank body, protecting pipe for temp.-measuring, air pipe, inlet, pipe, sewage pipe and cover supporting frame, and then fed into curing pool, screened, magnetic-selected, pulverized and mixed with compound biological bacterial preparation so as to obtain the invented high-effective biological organic fertilizer.