Electric spark working machine tool and combined machine tool especially device of electric spark working machine tool

Application Number: 00120270
Application Date: 2000.07.13
Publication Number: 1280045
Publication Date: 2001.01.17
Priority Information: 1999/7/13 DE 19932645.2
International: B23H7/02;B23H7/26;B23H11/00
Applicant(s) Name: Aje Co.
Inventor(s) Name: P.Willy;R.Burun
Patent Agency Code: 72001
Patent Agent: su juan
Abstract An EDM machine for machining a workpiece is disclosed. The EDM machine includes a machine frame having a central stationary machine body and a machining electrode to machine the workpiece. Machining occurs by producing a relative movement in at least one of an X axial direction and a Y axial direction between the machining electrode and the workpiece. The machine also includes a first axial slide for moving at least one of the workpiece and the machining electrode in the X axial direction, and a second axial slide for moving at least one of the machining electrode and the workpiece in the Y axial direction. The first axial slide is mounted in a substantially vertical plane on the machine body for lateral movement in a substantially horizontal direction.