Health beverage

Application Number: 00123099
Application Date: 2000.10.19
Publication Number: 1288693
Publication Date: 2001.03.28
Priority Information:
International: A23L2/38;A23L2/52
Applicant(s) Name: Liu Yi
Inventor(s) Name: Liu Yi
Patent Agency Code: 21117
Patent Agent: zhang zhongda
Abstract The present invention discloses a health-care beverage. It is made up by using fruit sugar concentrated solution, block soybean milk, black sesame paste, hickory nut kernel paste, jujube paste, whey powder paste, pork liver extract and deionized water through the processes of proportioning, mixing, sterilizing and homogenizing treatment. It is rich in nutrients, palatable in taste, and is a beverage containing no cane sugar, and can be used for preventing and curing diabetes, and possesses the functions of resisting senility and face-beautifying, etc..