Low viscosity high gelatinization strength type protein-starch compositions, and ground meat contg. same and its prepn. method

Application Number: 00120013
Application Date: 2000.05.15
Publication Number: 1323543
Publication Date: 2001.11.28
Priority Information:
International: A23J3/16;A23L1/176
Applicant(s) Name: Protein Technologies International, Inc.
Inventor(s) Name: G.A. Betz;I.C. Joe;C.E. Keck
Patent Agency Code: 11038
Patent Agent: guo jianxin
Abstract A sort of protein-starch mixture with low stickiness and high gel strength is composed of the compound protein and starch as raw material. The starch raw material is non gelatinized basically. It is in low stickiness before steaming and in high gel strength after steaming. A method to produce meat paste containing compound is as following: aqueous paste having protein raw material is processed in such temperature that the protein can be denatured. The starch raw material wax mixed into denatured protein paste. It the condition of compounding protein and starch raw materials, the starch raw material is not gelatinized. After the protein and starch as raw materials are spray dried, the compound product is obtained.