Method and device for fastening screw between glass and main unit of car lamp

Application Number: 00117614
Application Date: 2000.05.24
Publication Number: 1275501
Publication Date: 2000.12.06
Priority Information: 1999/5/26 JP 146702/99
International: B25B23/08;B60Q1/00
Applicant(s) Name: Koito Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Inventor(s) Name: Terao Kazumichi;Mochitsuki Takuya
Patent Agency Code: 11105
Patent Agent: yang wu
Abstract An apparatus and a method for fastening a screw between a vehicular lighting device body and lens is provided, in which there is no possibility that a seal material drips out. A lamp body is held by the lower jig so that a seal groove is directed upward, and a front lens is held by an upper jig so that a seal leg is directed downward. The upper jig is lowered from a position above the lamp body and pressed together therewith, so that the seal groove and the seal leg are engaged together via a seal material. A fastening screw is positioned beneath the lamp body (seal groove) with the fastening screw directed upward by a screw fastener element located within a lower portion of the lower jig. The lamp body (seal groove) and the front lens (seal leg) are secured by the screw.