Process for treating low-grade anode mud

Application Number: 00110343
Application Date: 2000.04.21
Publication Number: 1270235
Publication Date: 2000.10.18
Priority Information:
International: C22B7/00;C22B11/00;C22B11/02
Applicant(s) Name: Shenyang Smeltery
Inventor(s) Name: Liu Hongwei;Gong Enrong;Fu Yiming
Patent Agency Code: 21107
Patent Agent: han hui
Abstract A process for treating low-grade anode mud in order to recover noble metals (gold and silver) from copper or lead anode mud features three-stage smelting, which includes reduction smelting in anode mud smelting furnace, primary oxidizing blow smelting in low-grade noble lead blow smelting furance and deeply oxidizing refining of high-grade noble lead. Its advantages are short production period, low energy consumption, high recovery rate of Bi and Te and low production cost.