Production process of synthetic latex sponge soft ball

Application Number: 00102761
Application Date: 2000.02.28
Publication Number: 1262964
Publication Date: 2000.08.16
Priority Information:
International: A63B37/00
Applicant(s) Name: Ma Xiangyou
Inventor(s) Name: Ma Xiangyou
Patent Agency Code: 11114
Patent Agent: du chengxin
Abstract The production process of synthetic latex sponge soft ball includes the following steps: vertical foaming treatment of synthetic latex sponge, then directly injecting it into required ball type mould, natural cure, demoulding, washing with water and drying so as to obtain the invented one-step formed finished product soft ball with high resilience and elastic force. The tensile strength, tearing strength and abrasive resistance of said ball surface are obviously raised, and on said ball surface various colour and patterns can be uniformly and clearly cohered.