Treatment method of granite wall with accumulated salt on the surface

Application Number: 00111288
Application Date: 2000.08.18
Publication Number: 1284595
Publication Date: 2001.02.21
Priority Information:
International: E04G23/02
Applicant(s) Name: Huo Zuzheng
Inventor(s) Name: Huo Zuzheng
Patent Agency Code: 37202
Patent Agent: yu tao
Abstract The treatment process includes the steps of clearing away the dirt on the surface of granite plate, looking for gravity, drilling hole on the plate with cavity, embedding, jetting nozzle, injetting slurry into cavity, and outside treatment. The method can treat granite plate with accumulated salt on the surface and make granite plate adhered to base layer firmly, and may be used widely in treatment of granite plate with cavity and with accumulated salt on the surface.